Monday, September 01, 2003

Hey - in San Francisco right now. Just had a real moment standing outside the hostel with two American guys in the military telling us how lucky we are they were keeping us alive. Esp. from Iraq soldiers. I tried to explain to them that we invaded iraq - and that they had nothing to do with 9/11 - but they didn't seem to get it. Infact, when I conjectuered that had the 20 odd terroists been based in Britiain rather than Afganisitan, would they have bombed great britain, one guy said "yes - because they were stopping American freedom". I laughed so hard, it was like a really good Bill Hicks or Python sketch. Except real, which made it a little worrying and scary.

Anyhow, off to see AL-CA-TRAZ now. Wooo.

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