Friday, October 17, 2003

Round the Coromandel

The next day I headed into Hahei in the Coromandel region. Here I chilled out for a day, tried some snorkelling (but couldn't see much) and read loads more books. The next morning I got to go sea kyacking and see some of the islands, caves and tunnels around the Hahei bay - this also featured a beach stop where out guide Ross made one of the best lattes I've had in years right on the beach. Top stuff.

The bus then headed onto Maketu - our Mauri cultural stop. Here we had a lunch featuring Mauri style food (cooked underground, similar to the Fijians) and saw Marui cultural dancing. Finally, the boys and girls where split and we each learned a dance - for the girls it was the Poi spinning dance - for the boys it was the Huka. This is, of course, the ritual dance the All Blacks perform before each match - which we then had to perform (shirtless, of course) infront of the girls. Was much more fun and less embarassing than I'd imagined, but alas I didn't get any photos of the event.

Finally - photos are all up to date now ! Links are available in the side panel, as always.

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