Friday, January 02, 2004

HAPPY 2004 !!!

The rest of the xmas period was consumed with beach trips and a labourers BBQ party I have little or no recollection of ! This all led up to the highlight of my travels - new years eve overlooking Sydney Harbour.

Situated on blues point, we went down with smuggled alcohol and lots of picnic food. Then began a superb 12 hour summer festival-esque party with around 70-80 backpackers, some tunes and a guitar. The photos speak better than I could the wonerful atmosphere and immense drunkeness reached on that fine night, and it is certainly one to remember.

My plans now are to uproot myself for a few weeks, travel around South Australia for a little while, and then head back to Sydney late Jan / early Feb for jobs. The only possible flaw with this plan would be missing the big day out festival - we'll see.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, and I hope to see many of you again in 2004.

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