Thursday, August 30, 2007

Going down...

Ok - diet plan is on for a good start. I got some scales, which kindly placed me much closer to 19 stone than 20, and then got a little more serious on exercise. Three to five times a week is the plan, with cycling into work and the gym offering the best chances for exercise.

So far I am hovering just under 19 stone, but hoping to see that continue to drop slowly. It's easy to get disheartened - weight loss of more than 2lbs a week is quite unsustainable so not likely to happen. Need to keep vigilant on bad foods and getting to the gym (always tricky to fit in around work) especially as winter rolls in...

[EDIT] ---> Come celebrate in voyeuristic web2.0 style by tracking my fitness and weight loss at Traineo (click the button in the sidebar, or click here).


Ben Godfrey said...

I find cycling to work is just the best solution. I'm lame at finding time otherwise and it's actually quicker and more pleasant to cycle. The trick is to be prepared. If it's raining, get like a complete suit of hi-viz waterproof stuff and grit your teeth. Not sexy, but it works. A nice well-maintained bike helps as well. Buy a road bike! :-)

Ben Turner said...

I got me a hybrid road bike thing - a "Specialized Globe Elite" I think.

It's been a pleasure to ride to and form work so far, but think I might need to invest in this hi-viz stuff soon; it's gettin' cold outside...