Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No change here

Coming up with the pun-a-rific title here was no trouble at all - a few words around the work office has unleashed a deluge of unsympathetic (and rightfully so) puns at my expense. But puns about what you may ask ?...

Saturday night was a beery old night (and a beery old night was he... I'll stop there). But only slightly into my second drink, a couple of uni mates, free of the drinking shackles of fatherhood for one night only, decided it was time to revisit old university habits. The old tradition on wine at dinner was if a copper coin made its way into your drink, you were required to down it in one. Not sure this rule ever applied to pints as such, but in anycase, a penny found its way into the bottom of my drink.

I kind of put off the delight of necking the drink - it wasn't wine, it was only my second and mainly it wasn't much past 6pm. I intended to survive the evening somewhat intact if possible. But a few gulps in, having taken enough crap from the guys opposite me, I decided to finish the other half of my drink and use the penny to retaliate... The drink slid down past gritted teeth easy enough, but the penny took its time, and suddenly jumped forward to strike my teeth. That was sort of the plan, but I hadn't counted on how much the damn thing would hurt. A small exclamation of pain was all it took for the troublesome coin to join that final swig of ale in flying down my throat, and before I could believe it, the penny had gone.

It was soon followed by small bits of bread, and plenty of fluids bought for me by guilty parties all around. Enough I hoped to avoid any "problems" with my new high-copper diet and speed the issue to its eventual resolution. Coming up to 72 hours later, and whilst I can't say I've looked too hard, there is still no definite sighting of the "not-so-loose" change. I even called NHS Direct who directed me to an A&E department, but they sent me away saying that short of stomach cramping or vomiting, there wasn't much to worry about. Of course, now my stomach has started hurting this afternoon, classic placebo timing or sinister revenge of the coin ? Post-gym session I'll put it down to the weight training for now, but why do I have a feeling this is far from over :(

They always said that my drinking would get me in the end...


Mimi said...

God love you baby...

it's = it is

its = belonging to it

I await your grouchy response :)

Ben Turner said...

Only got it wrong in four places (and right in zero places) - its not the worst bit of gramer Ive ever writtan.

Editing my post now so people think your crazy and I'm ace. Woohoo !

Mimi said...

Did I mention

you're = you are


your = belonging to you?


Ben Turner said...

Bugger - can't edit comments :(
