Saturday, March 20, 2010

Goodbye blogger

Dear all,

I am moving ! Virtually, that is. My blog has now moved to Wordpress (another blogging service) and can be accessed via the normal URL of - if you already had this web address bookmarked, then you shouldn't have come here at all :)

People coming here via RSS will need to update their feeds to

Might be a while before I move all the formatting over, but all the content should be over there right now. There will be no more updates on this site, so get over there now !!! And bookmark the address, then if I move again, you'll magically come along with me next time !


(Note : Just noticed it may take up to 48 hours for the address to redirect to the new site)

(Another Note : Hmmm.... website address does not seem to be updating ! I'll keep trying...)


Hardy Ferentschik said...

Mate the RSS feed is under

Let me know if you are happier with Wordpress, I am considering moving for a long time as well.


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