Monday, November 17, 2003

End of the Kiwi Experience

My final few days in NZ took me into the scenic Milford Sound region, through Teanu, Invercargill and Dunedin, and finally into Christchurch. Not a lot of gossip here, other than a nervous but exciting weekend of rugby. At the end of the whole Stray bus tour of NZ I now feel very drained and up for a change of lifestyle and pace - and what better place to do that than Sydney, where I now type things entry !

Very strange to change country again - not really got used to the fact yet ! Met a stray bus friend in the hostel and went down to Bondi beach for lunch and beer - but with the wind and darkness it felt more like Brighton than Bondi. Maybe in the bright sun tomorrow it will feel more like the other side of the globe :)

Time to job hunt and settle back for a bit... anyone know of any IT jobs in Sydney right now ?!

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