So I sent my details off to Diabetes UK, who kindly sent me back a pack of information and fund raising ideas for me to read through (most of them mentioning "the London Marathon" - I think they had a few packs to get rid of !). But the crowning glory of this pack was... the Diabetes UK Pink 'n' Black running vest !!!
I think both the fetching cut and colour of this top deserves a little support, so therefore to add incentive to wavering sponsors of my athletic efforts, should I reach my target I pledge to wear this fine outfit along the run, as well as provide all pictures of myself in this fine getup on the blog after the run (assuming I can get a photographer on the day !)
So hopefully I will find more capers than this simple crime against fashion to help get to the final fund-raising figure, but if you haven't already, then please offer your support at and keep tuned to the blog for more news and progress.