Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The only way is up

Today is a good day.

I picked up a winter cold at the weekend, and after a good couple of days rest, it's finally starting to shift, I feel. It also seems my face, covered in tiny yellow spots for the last couple of weeks, has now started to react to the Ocytetracycline a litte now, and most of the spots have retreated, just leaving some red dots (which blend slightly with the freckles :). Futhermore, I am near the end of my cycle, so free of most pains and tiredness caused by the drugs, and the extra dose of Cetuximab I had on Monday does not seem to have added to any of the less pleasent side-effects. Also my facial skin, which had gone very dry, is beginning to feel a little better after all the moisturising I;ve been doing - partly thanks to my sweetie for actually getting me some mosituriser and reminding me to do it when I forget !

So now just trying to make sure I get out and about and do some more outdoors things before the next injection on Monday, which I am dreading a little naturally. Not sure that any form of exercise is going to be a good thing - burning up energy stores seems crazy when you've got less energy than you're used to. Long walks and slow burning exercise could be the best idea - I feel a long walk around London Zoo might be in order - exercise AND monkeys, ideal for anyone's recovery.

Not much more to report, other than a larger stack of boardgames and a couple of Wii games, which I have been enticing people round mine to play in leiu of heading outside too much. Don't be shy people ! Also another scan is coming up later this month, hopefully then I'll know a little more about "what happens next".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben

Evan and I would love to join you for a walk and monkeys at the zoo anytime you want some company.

Zach is also up for coming to see that Wii of yours - I think he is hoping Santa will put one under the tree for him this year.

lots of love
