Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Itchy feet and Photo hassles

Firstly I have finally uploaded my Tasmania pictures - however it seems the website I am using to host them is finally making it's financial play and charging for memberships. I have membership access for a year, enough time to migrate to another solution, but I am kind of worried this may affect access to photo alubums for other people ? Let me know if you encounter any problems - all album links are on the left-hand side as always :)

Oh - and you get asked for a login, you can always use benguest123 for both the username and password. The only reason to create a login is if you want to add "personal" comments - you can always e-mail me them instead, of course :)

Speaking of photos, after the cancellation of my cocktail course (not enough interest - go figure), tonight I am starting my camera course. Should be fun to do something different in the evenings, and maybe learn why my photos suck half of the time :) Have to sign up for advanced photography to find out why they suck the other half of the time...

Recently I've been to a classical concert, a bit of bowling, drinking frozen cocktails and a few movies. Still waiting for the new Micheal Moore film to come out here, until then looking forward to the unobjective but fun McDonalds slur/documentry, and of course the "bet it's rubbish" remake of a horror classic.

I've also been reading e-mails for travellers and ex-travellers alike, both giving me itchy feet and a desire to get out there and travel again. Only 7 more weeks... hmmm, that's quite a long time. I also fancy a spot of snowboarding - seems we are geting some snow down here and I'm not sure I can wait until January :)

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